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Starting Today: Discover What City Black Viper Is In On Twitter: BlackViperCom


TLDNR: Follow me on Facebook (Tweets are connected) or Twitter to get rapid location updates.

Starting today, I will be Tweeting my current location. This will not be flooded with “at grocery store” or “stuck at red light”, though, so if you are looking for that kind of pointless information… ya will have to wander somewhere else.

Due to my current employment, I am in a different city almost ever week (and sometimes several cities). This is also not mentioning the fact that I travel through many airports on my way to the final destination.

One City, Two City, Three City More!

In 2011, I successfully flew on 90+ airplanes, gained 52,000+ flight miles (ignoring my current Award Mile Count) and was in major cities like (this is only a small list off of the top of my head in no particular order):

Major Airports

This should go without saying that I have spent a big chunk of my time in 2011 at several airports scattered around the US, to include: MFR, SFO, RNO, DEN, LAX, SLC, IAH and ORD.

So, Why Now?

Why have I not mentioned this before today? Well, in all honesty, I have always taken the position of “separating my career with my internet self”. This basically means that I do not talk about work on my website. However, in recent history, I have had pretty boring jobs. 🙂 Now, with myself hopping on 2 to 6 planes a week, I have something to talk about. Fortunately, (or unfortunately, however you wish to look at it), I will still be refraining from “Ranting” about my job or what I am doing at a particular moment.

So What Will You Tweet?

Actually, I have not figured out the details, yet. I pretty much decided that I was going to give this a trial run a couple days ago as something to write about on the domain. Needless to say, I have not determined what I will say, however, I may not have “exact” location (like eating here or walking there), but for now, will identify what city and airport I currently am located in.

The following hashtag will now be used #BlackViperCom for Tweeted Locations and Website Updates.

What Can I Do?

Lots! I am not the adventurous type, so you can reply to my location tweet and let me know what cool places I should visit, must see locations, etc! Nothing like having a person living in the area give recommendations on places to visit rather then just randomly searching for something on Google Maps and hope it is good.

How Can I Get Involved?

Easy: Follow me on Facebook (Tweets are connected) or Twitter and get rapid location updates.

Posted in Articles, News, Random Ramblings, Web Site Updates

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