I wandered over to a co-workers house to put another LAN Party [link removed] in the history books yesterday. 6 People and 12 hours later, Lake L.A.ntastic [link removed] came to a close. I took some snap shots and they will be posted over at the LAN Party Page [link removed] as soon as I can get them developed. Maybe it will not take ma as long as it took to post the New House pictures [link removed] , but don’t hold your breath. 🙂
I have also received many requests for some information on how to set up a LAN at home, and I will post the step by step for a small network soon at the LAN Party Page [link removed] .
I changed some information on my Spam Page. If you want a laugh, check it out! If you have someone Spamming you all of the damn time, send that page to them…
The updates have been few and far between just due to the fact that I have not done much lately. I hope to get a life soon, but I am not holding my breath.
I added a Furniture Wish List on My House Page [link removed] . Check it out and see what kind of weird tastes I really do have.