Diablo 2 Stress Test coming to a close.
“Dear Battle.net Stress Testers,
As we promised, we wanted to alert you that the Diablo II Battle.net stress test will be coming to a close this Monday, June 26th at 8:00 AM PT in order for us to prepare for next week’s launch of Diablo II. We want to extend a sincere thanks to all the beta testers who have logged many hours helping us optimize servers during the last few weeks.
But, before we bring the test to a close, we want to push the servers to the maximum by getting as many players online in one day as possible. To that end, we are asking that all beta testers log on and play this Friday, June 23. We hope we can count on each of you to log on and take your stress test character for one more adventure through Act I.
Thank you again for all your time and effort in making our stress test successful. We hope to see you on Battle.net after the game launches.
Blizzard Entertainment”