In preparation to install and test SP1, I am using this opportunity to do many thing:
- Reconfigure all systems [link removed] (change parts around), update all BIOS to latest, download all new drivers for multiple OS’s.
- Test SP1, on multiple systems, then format and install Windows .NET.
- Reevaluate my feelings on the CUV4X-D Motherboard and VIA.
- This will entail combining two systems, one of which I am using to check my E-Mail, so delays will be obvious with my replies.
- Since I can install Windows .NET on multiple systems, it free’s up some licenses for me to complete a triple or quad boot system. (95?/98/Me?/XP Home)
- A natural result of this will include updated information and new articles about the previous OS’s. Something along the lines of "Back to the past: Using Windows 95 on new systems" kind of stuff.