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Round Three of Optimization Efforts Complete

Round Three of my domain optimization efforts is complete.

Long time readers may remember that the domain started out as "" This was due to, at the time, "" being taken. After several months, I was able to get the "full" domain name. Unfortunately, I have always resolved each domain to the exact same content. Another problem is that I configured each domain to be accessible with or without the "www." in the address bar at the server level.

This resulted in search engines indexing and people linking to 4 different URL’s for the exact same content.

I have decided to externally redirect all URL’s pointing "" or "" or "" to ""

This has several "good" side effects:

  1. Google has indexed 606 "" pages with only 97 "" pages.
  2. Managing the domain will be much simpler as I only have to deal with "one" possible entry point and not "four."
  3. My log files will be consistent and referer (sic) information will be accurate.
  4. Content caching at the ISP/proxy/browser level will only need to cache "one" domains content and not "four."
  5. My server load and bandwidth will decrease due to number 4.
  6. Being how it is a server generated response, all previous URL’s are still completely accessible, but will activate an external redirect correcting the information in the address bar.
  7. Verbally asking people to visit "Black Viper Dot Com" is much easier than "Bee-Ell-Kay…"

Seemingly with all of my major modifications, something must go wrong with it.

I have checked the domain in multiple browsers and did several "validations" of my content, but I cannot check everything. If you find something that "just does not look right," please contact me and I will look into the issue.

Posted in News, Web Site Updates

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