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You can help me financially bringing a car up to speeed for the 2012 racing season: Here is what you can do to help:
I am offering three ways that you can become a sponsor of Black Viper Racing and “The Racing Tech”:
Update 01MAY2012: I have removed the option to sponsor Black Viper Racing via PayPal as my current work schedule does not provide a method to reliably be on the track. As such, I wish to thank my current sponsors for their support and their money has been refunded. If you wish to sponsor my efforts, you may consider a general donation.
You may purchase a bumper sticker sized personal name plate for only $20 which is good for the entire 2012 season. This option is for individuals that desire to sponsor my efforts, but do not have a business they would like to promote. I will personally email you via the account on file with PayPal and thank you as well as ask what name, if any, you would like to have on your personalized name plate to be placed on my current race car.
For Companies:
For companies, I offer the option to purchase two bumper sticker sized name plate for only $50 which is good for the entire 2012 season. This option is for businesses that desire to sponsor my efforts and have a company they would like to promote as well as a website. I will personally email you via the account on file with PayPal and thank you as well as ask what name and website, if any, you would like to have on your personalized name plate to be placed on my current race car. The bumper sticker sized plate will be the name of your business and your companies website (domain) address. Businesses will also have a spot on my sponsorship page with a short description of their company’s product offerings as well as a link to their website.
Roll your own amount:
If the official sponsorship amounts are too low or too high, you may “roll your own” amount with the button above. Based upon donation amount, I will send a personal note of thanks, place your name on my sponsors page and/or include your name on my car!
Which ever method you choose, you will be supporting me in my efforts to get a geek on the dirt track. I thank you in advance for your support!