Attention: I need your help!
If you arrived at this domain through a "flash navigation bar," please contact me!
For the last several months, a problem has been eluding me. Upon viewing my server logs, I receive many times per day, requests for my "old" flash navigation buttons that did appear on my domain, last YEAR. No existing page still has the navigation buttons and they have been deleted for some time. This generates "404" errors in my server logs. The issue? Someone or something is attempting to steal my bandwidth/content without my permission. The problem? None of these requests come with "standard referer" information to discover "where" these requests are generated from. Yes, the requesting IP is still logged, but none of these requests also come with a "page" that exist, ONLY the old flash button content.
A screen shot of the "old" navigation structure is available to help you: bvdotcom13aug2002.jpg (123 KB)
The particular files in question are:
- topleft.swf (7 KB)
- topmiddle.swf (6 KB)
- topright.swf (7 KB)
- newbottomnav.swf (12 KB)
I have, today, placed the files "back online" to assist in tracking down this problem.
If anyone knows of what program or site is attempting to use my content, please contact me immediately. It is greatly appreciated.