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KMVU says F U!

Today also marks the day that my family pays DirecTV a pretty hefty sum of money, just to have one of my favorite Shows not be available to me, Fringe, that is outlined below in my previous post.

DirecTV and Northwest Broadcasting are in a pissing match and took down my Local FOX channel KMVU channel 26. Granted, I am not a sports fan and really do not care if I see the Super Bowl or not, but after waiting weeks for Fringe to continue it’s most recent cliffhanger, I am ticked off big time. Oh, but I could give DirecTV even more money for the LA HD FOX, but isn’t that just what they want?!? We my take our $85 a month and go elsewhere. After all, I can watch Fringe one day later on for nothing but the cost of an internet connection or even wait until it hits BluRay on NetFlix. DirecTV: You are not the only game in town…

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